
Friday 30 November 2018

this is me bade's fost blog and it is my bade from room 3 and his name is joseph's fost blog post.

thack you for reding my blog post and hove a le you can conemt on my bade's fost blogt post and can yoi coment on my blog post to and m bade's blog osd be on room thrre blog.


  1. Hi Bryce, I have been reading through and I've been see some spelling mistakes so you might want to check those mistakes but this blog actually quite good, good jop cep it up.

  2. Hello Bryce,
    You have been getting a lot of words wrong. So if you could fix them that would be better. Could you put in more pages in your stop motion. I like the way how he grew and grew. Did you enjoy doing the stop motion? Have a good day BYE!

  3. Hello Bryce,
    I have been reading lots of your blog so far. This blog does not make sense maybe next time you could add more information.


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