
Friday 30 November 2018

this is me bade's fost blog and it is my bade from room 3 and his name is joseph's fost blog post.

thack you for reding my blog post and hove a le you can conemt on my bade's fost blogt post and can yoi coment on my blog post to and m bade's blog osd be on room thrre blog.

Tuesday 27 November 2018

the priezes that I am wonting

Hello everyone this is a thing that I  am wanting to have in my live I am wanting to have it so  I wont get bored and In wood have if I win the prizes that are on my blog .

Thick you for reading my blog and I hoop you give me a comment and if you comment saying I did scathing I wrong.

Thursday 15 November 2018

Bryce and Marcus

hi giss 
today  we had buddy time and my buddy marcus rot a blog post 

hi my name is Marcus and I and from  room 8  and if you  are wanting it no what class or school you have to comment and I will relied and I will give you a comment and I will give you a quesching and I will update the oaring baton and it is could publish.

her is a photo

Thuck for reading my buddy's blog post

Thursday 8 November 2018

SLJ, Practice: speaking A New Language

kon'nichiwa gye 

I am back with sammer learning jone  prep.
the language I am doing is Japanese and japan  is the cantre   that I a going to for my summer learning journey . the language  in nz is hallo and the language in japan is   Japanese and I am doing summer learning journey.


I whod  feel skerd and I wod not no whot  they are saying and her is a photo of me.
can you give me a questing?  I well trey and comment back to you wen I get my Chromebook become my Chromebook is getting flex and it me my Chromebook and it is not holding chars.

thak you for reding me blod.