
Thursday 19 November 2020

ballet poem

 Hello readers,

Today I am going to so you  the poem that I did it today. It was fun to do and quit easy. It tock me quit a ling time to do the pictures and the colour of the wiring to and the background. the resin why I am doing this is because we are going to the ballet of Friday. my poem is made by simile here it is.

Thank you for reading my post you may comment if you want. if you want to now some more you can just ask me by commenting.


1 comment:

  1. Hello Bryce.
    I like your choice of words.I especially like the way you described her hair.
    Thinking about the ballet that we went to watch,your words are spot on.

    Did you enjoy watching the performance?.
    I wasn't that keen on it as it's not the type of thing that I like watching.
    I did enjoy seeing the bad witch and her friends come out.


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