
Monday 10 December 2018

summer learning prep five

Hi guys
This is my blog about  summer learning prep five and this is my summer learning prep five and this is mined and you can see what I am wanting to see and what I am whiting to now in japan.

Thank you far looking at what I am wanting to do and I mite go and do the landmarks and it wood be hot and I wood need to bring sunskren and if I do born I mite have a barf

Friday 30 November 2018

this is me bade's fost blog and it is my bade from room 3 and his name is joseph's fost blog post.

thack you for reding my blog post and hove a le you can conemt on my bade's fost blogt post and can yoi coment on my blog post to and m bade's blog osd be on room thrre blog.

Tuesday 27 November 2018

the priezes that I am wonting

Hello everyone this is a thing that I  am wanting to have in my live I am wanting to have it so  I wont get bored and In wood have if I win the prizes that are on my blog .

Thick you for reading my blog and I hoop you give me a comment and if you comment saying I did scathing I wrong.

Thursday 15 November 2018

Bryce and Marcus

hi giss 
today  we had buddy time and my buddy marcus rot a blog post 

hi my name is Marcus and I and from  room 8  and if you  are wanting it no what class or school you have to comment and I will relied and I will give you a comment and I will give you a quesching and I will update the oaring baton and it is could publish.

her is a photo

Thuck for reading my buddy's blog post

Thursday 8 November 2018

SLJ, Practice: speaking A New Language

kon'nichiwa gye 

I am back with sammer learning jone  prep.
the language I am doing is Japanese and japan  is the cantre   that I a going to for my summer learning journey . the language  in nz is hallo and the language in japan is   Japanese and I am doing summer learning journey.


I whod  feel skerd and I wod not no whot  they are saying and her is a photo of me.
can you give me a questing?  I well trey and comment back to you wen I get my Chromebook become my Chromebook is getting flex and it me my Chromebook and it is not holding chars.

thak you for reding me blod.