
Friday 26 February 2021

The world's weirdest sports

 Hello readers,

Today I am going to tall you about the weirdest sports in the world. some of them are so weird like car hokey it look fun. here it is.  Complete List of Weird and Unusual Sports

Thank you for reading my post you may comment if you want

Thursday 25 February 2021

my hero

Hello readers,

Today I am going to tall you about my hero it is my teacher she is the best of  all the teachers that I have had here is a pitcher of my teacher. 

Thank you for reading my post you may comment if you want


Chines now year

 Hello readers,

today I am going to tall you about chines now year it was the best year of them all because it was the year of the ox. the year of the ox is my year that why it was the best year. her it is.

if you click on this link you can see what it is about and you can see want zodiac sin you are. chines when you click on it you click the top one.

thank you for reading my post you may comment if you want.

Wednesday 24 February 2021


 Hello readers,

Today I am going to tall you about a pobble  that I have done. it was a crow on a clock with a key in the moth I thort that the key would open the clock. Here it is.

Question time!

What do you think the key is for? To unlock a portal to a different dimension. Why do you think the girl is so desperate to have it? So the crow can not go in the secret dimension

Why do you think the crow has taken the key? To get in the secret portal. 

How did the clock get there?the clock was hiding under the leves Is it significant in the story?

What do you think the crow is thinking?where is the key ment to be

Where have all the leaves on the ground come from? The inside of the clock

Story starter!

She had been chasing it all day. Now, the crow had it.

Time was ticking. Time was running out. She tiptoed towards the creature, seeing the precious key it held precariously in its sharp, cruel beak. It let out an irritating, throaty cackle, its soot-black wings ruffling gently as it manoeuvred itself on top of the clock; it was ready to take flight.

Knowing she might only have a few seconds before her opportunity disappeared, she took another cautious step forward. Time seemed to slow, her body tingled in excitement and her heart thudded in her chest. It was now or never…

Can you continue the story?

I am doing to kill you are the wost thing in the would I am going to chas you intoll you die. It took the clock in  the portol so I had to run in

Thank you for reading my post. You may comment if you want.

Tuesday 23 February 2021

NZ things

 Hello readers, 

Today I am going tall tall you about NZ it is the best country in the would. Here it is. 

Thank you for reading my post you may comment if you went