
Friday 1 June 2018

Friday basketball

Friday basketeball

Last weekend I played a game of basketball. We are the Hornby Raiders.

My mum and dad drove me. My sister and my baby brother came too. When we arrived we trained to get ready. We practiced shooting, defence and layouts. I can't remember who we played against. We had to sub ten times in the game as we were getting tired. Jared and Nu scored some goals. I did too. I scored 4 goals. The score was 32 nil to us.  

I was happy after the game as we won our first game. I enjoy playing basketball. 


  1. Hi Bryce, By looking at your writing it seems like your really good at basketball.It was really cool how you won your game,you seemed really happy. Next time you could add more detail but apart from that this is great.
    From Kayla

  2. Hi Bryce, by reading you story about you basketball game it seems like you were really happy about winning. Next time maybe you could add some more information but overall you did an amazing job.

  3. Great job Bryce! It look's like you enjoy basketball. Maybe next time you could add a little more detail and fact's about who you played and what happened during the game.

  4. Hi Bryce it is your blog friend Kaleb Mr B said keep playing basketball because you could be in the N.B.A soon.

  5. Can you give me a qwasin for me to coment to


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